Haven't posted in a while & have enjoyed a perty long absence of symptoms (three months). Got dialed in on my meds, even got a little 'gutsy' (read that noncompliant) and stopped taking my night time diazepam 10mg that I hate so much for about
3 weeks but was starting to feel the pins & needles of impending seizures so got back on the stuff about
a month ago.
Currently, I take Topamax 300 2x daily and my PMD keeps me supplied with Neurontin for PRN if I feel "not right". I also take Diazepam 10mg at bed time as most of my activity seems to happen at night, though not always, have to be prepared. I've only had a couple generalized during the day, mostly complex partials. Was totally seizure free x the past 3 months and basically stopped preparing for them at all other than taking my meds.
Seizures started 5-1/2 years ago after Dx of meningioma (large one) and craniotomy. Didn't have any idea that I was having them before, dismissed them as something else (of course). Since, I have noticed that even on meds, they seem to get worse every spring/ summer. I have also noted that I seem to get them often during thunder storms! Does anyone else note this?? Night before last, we had one heck of a thunder storm. Though the storm had passed, I was falling asleep, but was awakened by the realization that I was on 'the verge' and awoke. Cleaned up the carnage after I recovered and went back to usual preparations, I took Neurontin and an extra diazepam once my stomach settled. Woke up extremely sore & knew I had seized again a few hours later during another passing storm.
Anyone have thoughts or similar experiences?