I truly appreciate all the responses about my son (posting of 4-26). I feel a little less "alone".
The labs show good liver function, dilantin level, thyroid...they must have done 20 or more tests (from 3 different Drs.) We'll get the results from the eeg and mri on May 6.
The stress issue is, of course, a major concern because it's not something you can put your finger on. My son is a very quiet, shy person, but we have really good communication. In fact that's what's made this whole situation more distressing for me because he would never "ask" to see a doctor before. I know this is something "real" if I'm making any sense.
I'm sure I'll have even more questions after we see the Neurologist next friday. I've learned through experience (my Mom had a stroke 4 years ago) to make sure I get all the info I can from wherever I can and not take one person's opinion alone. (They told us my Mom would never leave the nursing home...she's been home and functioning fine for 3 1/2 years.)
Take care.