I am a 39/f that has been having issues out of the blue. This started on July 12. I felt funny couldn't walk talk move breathing was a chore. The last thing I said was call 91 the that was it. I was brought to ER and they did a CT and blood work all was clear. Said syncope and see y
. When to my Dr and she thought maybe TIA due to right side weekness and slurred speach. Went for an MRI that was clean to. Quit smoking due to this. Two weeks later at work I felt dizzy and my limbs "locked up" like a spasm slurred speach cold to touch although i felt hot and shaking and jerking. They called 911 hade been told right- hemiparesis dysarthia and left side paresthesias. Ct again and blood clear. The following Tuesday I was riding with my fiance to work and felt sick to my stomach and then when i got out of the car to switch sides got light headed sat down and my legs and arms cramped up again jerking hard to walk not alot of slurring this time no ER visit was in the mood to heas I dont know what is wrong with you. Went home and had another very small one later that day. Following Monday again same thing dizzy huge spasms shaking jerking this time the dr said i had a headache ummm no didnt have any issues with that and never had. Tolk him to stick it since it was the 2nd time seeing him and he wasnt very concered even though each visit they had seen me twitch shake and jerk. it looks like someonw with MS or Parkensons. I now have gone for a echo cardia gram stress test . The neuro that I saw mentioned ataixa after watching me walk and other test. They said could be seiziers took EEG which was normal. I have had a seizer type of event almost everyday. Im scared and very frustrated. I am not allowed to drive or be alone because of this and now my jobs is giving me issues about
coming back to a desk job. I was given lorazepam 1mg to take when i feel them coming on. Yes I can feel it starts with upset stomach. Then light headed. Then the shaking and spazing. I am having an MRA and a spinal ultra sound or something done. Not a spinal tap (yet).