Hi, I have a question about a side effect I'm experiencing from taking the generic form of Keppra. I had a craniotomy for a benign brain tumor on 4/24/14. Things have been going okay, just fatigued from my brain using glucose. But, now I've noticed that if I take my generic Keppra on an empty stomach after 50 min. it's like I've taken a Tylenol PM, when I take it with a meal, it about 1 hour and a half I hit the wall and can almost go to sleep standing up.
I'm on 500 mg 2x a day and my question is: When the warning says, "may cause drowsiness", is that another way of saying, "may put you to sleep"? My prescription is until next April 2015. I was curious if others have had the same experience and after a year is it possible they may reduce my prescription to 1x a day? TIA