Kimmy is getting a bit tired of it all. She just keeps saying I'm so tired of it.
I thought the blood work thing the doctors were saying to them was wierd, I had never heard of it. When the school called an ambulance during a long episode, I met her neuro at the emergency room. He didn't even mention the bloodwork, he just laughed that you can't ride in an ambulance after going out and not have your sugar level checked. These guys had done it twice just to be sure. I've had a lot of doctor's just tell her she needs to eat more without asking us how she eats. She is 5'8" and weighs 111. But her neuro has met her dad. He is 6'4" and wears a size 28 waste (and that's loose). So most of these people thinks she's just not eating and that's not true. She eats small meals all day long.
Anyway thanks for the input. If I can just get her grandmother who was at the hospital to understand this country hokey E.R. they took her to is not so bright and didn't know how to say what they were doing. I'm going to ask that her dad get a copy of what they did so I can see it.