<----- my Fred Flintstone skull... the thickest skull this side of the Atlantic.
Hi Goodwitch and Jennifer. CT all clear and just hanging around waiting for the neuro to get back from vacation!
No, no jerkies, not even stiffies, heh heh! Bizarre, slow contraction starting the top of my head moving all the way to my toes, just the left side. And it was especially bizarre as it was the back of my hand and fingers that contracted, and the top of my foot and toes. I don't know, I was so taken aback, I am not too sure whether it was just the FRONT side of the left side of my body. I think so, now that I try to recall, but you can make yourself remember all sorts of things. How long it lasted, I don't know either. Having grown up in California and getting the north and southern earthquakes, I've learnt not to trust my idea of time during strange phenomena.
Except for the intense blue sparks right before, I can't seem to reconcile this to my epilepsy. I haven't had any myoclonic or clonic activity while being aware and conscious, it was more like I was being partially electrocuted. I certainly felt the surge run down me too, though not at all painful.
I'm hoping it was a seizure, now, as MS was brought up in the hospital. Can you imagine, MS AND epilepsy? It's bad enough I do bizarre things in public, wear prism glasses, and have extreme oral dysphasia, ha! Woohoo, all I'd need to top it off is a big fat hearing aid attached to my glasses and I'd be Miss Popularity!
Thanks for listening, you nice ladies!