merfy5 said...
hi everyone i finally got my meds changed i was on 1200mg of neurontin 3x a day but that was not touching my pain so now my rheummy put me on tramadol it seems to help much better but she wants me to continue the flexeril but i don't like the way i feel when i wake up i told her about itbut she said to still take it . i work for rite aid in the distrubution warehouse and have to be in work by 6 am taking flexeril makes it hard .i don't know if you can collect ssi for fibromyalgia and degeneritive disc disease if any one knows let me know i find it hard to drive sometimes
Hi Merfy5. I'm almost too sleepy to answer this post. I overdid it again yesterday
. I know that some people cannot work at all with fibro and some are on ssi but I don't know the criteria for it or the process to go about
getting it. Somewhere I read about
how to get help with that--it may even have been on this forum but I can't remeber. What time do you take the flexeril and how many mg? I take 10 mg at night but I take it pretty early in the evening so it is not so difficult to wake up. However, the hour you have to get up is just not natural. That's just wrong!
I can't even imagine. There are other things you can take during the day to boost your energy too. I would try taking the flexeril earlier so that it wears off by morning. Good luck.