Hi Larkspur and many, many welcomes. Since I was 12 I prayed for menopause. Sort of joking, but not completely. I had a miserable time w/ periods and PMS. I finally had to have a hysterectomy 5 yrs. ago, but didn't go into menopause till exactly 1 yr later (kept my ovaries) I have terrible night sweats, moody, the whole thing. I can't take hormones due to breast cancer possiblities (my mother had it and it's a no no)
I try to keep busy, exercising and involved. It has helped to an extent. Just those blessed night sweats, oh, joy, oh, rapture!
Keep posting, this is such a good group. We can't make the Fibro go away, but we can all 'enjoy' it together. It does make it easier to deal with. Hope you have a good day.
God bless. Alice