So I like Cymbalta and think it is helping with mood and pain and perhaps energy level. I've been on it for about
a month. The last three nights, my insomnia has been unbearable. I couldn't even fall asleep watching the Democratic Convention! I slept about
an hour and a half last night and I'm having difficulty working and driving today (the ton of rain and incredible humidity here in the southeast is so helpful for energy levels--not!
) I don't want the increased insomnia to be related to the Cymbalta because I don't want to stop the Cymbalta but I have got to get some sleep. yes, I take a ton of crap at night to get to sleep but it has all stopped working. My sleep lab is in three weeks. Has anyone noticed an increase in sleep symptoms with Cymbalta? I'm starting another thread on Xyrem because I really want feedback on that. thanks.