Has anyone tried Acupuncture treatment? I'm thinking seriously of having some treatments for my back condition and my arthritic knees, and I hear it may help fibro, too?
My daughter is a technician for a vet who treats horses and small animals, and he is trained to do acupuncture on all animals. People in this country have used it on horses for a long time! My daughter says the results with animals with injuries or chronic pain conditions is amazing. We had a yearling filly who had an accident in the pasture last March and broke her hip and cracked her pelvis. She got pain meds (horse version of Celebrex) and had a course of acupuncture, and I think the acupuncture helped her more than the meds! She's fully recovered now.
So I'm serious about trying it (with a human doctor ), and wondering if anyone here has had acupuncture?