Well, I saw the new primary today, and starting tomorrow...I will be looking for another new primary.
I have a great Rhumy that treats me with respect, so I am not looking for a primary to treat my fibro for me. I just need a regular dr to go to when I am ill and for my regular meds (for asthma & GERD).
During the intake with this new dr,he asked me what I was seeing a rhumy for, I told him fibromyalgia and he told me I did not have fibromyalgia but I had tension myositis syndrome. I questioned what this was & he said it was a psychosomatic illness that causes pain. He said that the pain I felt was all in my head & that no medication would ever work for me & that only I could "heal" myself.
Oh, and he also told me that I was morbidly obese (I am about 40lbs overweight-that I gained when I quit smoking a year ago) and that if I exercised more, not only would I be out of pain I would lose some weight too.
Can you say Q-U-A-C-K? Needless to say I will not be going back to his office.
Oh well, I will try again.