Hi nextasy and welcome. You have a lot on your plate medically. My husband has repeated our wedding vows also "in sickness and in health". I know if it was him that had all the medical problems I would be saying the samething to him cause there is no guarantee when you get married even though you figure it will be simple things and nothing serious til you get old. Not always in the plan though.
Don't call yourself a burden you didn't ask for any of the illness you have gone through. I guess what keeps me from feeling like I'm a burden for my DH is the fact that I did so much for so many years and he got off pretty easy til fibro hit me as far as doing things around the house. Now that he has had to take over some of my duties he realizes how much I did do.
You have found a great group of people here that understand what you go through and we are always here for you. Read the fibro 101 thread, the second thread on the first page. It contains a great deal of info.
I'm sorry the sugery caused you so much pain but that sometimes happens with fibro. It intensifies normal pain. I have been lucky in not having to have surgery since I have had fibro.
I hope your docs get on the ball when it comes to the testing results, you might want to get cross with them to get action.
Hang in there.
luv and hugs