Usually around the time that I hit the bedroom around 9 or so I start getting this pain in my right lower shoulder blade that is terrible? Sometimes depending on how I lay it hurts to even breath. I just took a percocet so I already know that by taking that I will be up all night long. I really always seem like I have to weight out taking my pain meds because anything less that percocet's and it really doesn't do anything for the pain. My doctor gave me darvocet, yeah that feels like taking 3 tylenols. I'm afraid I need to go to something stronger, but yet I feel like I don't want to take yet another pill. PS I'm very stressed out right now because I was contemplating on going to my kids bio father's aunts funeral, although I knew her very well, I did go by the house and pay my respects, the thought of dealing with all the "old" family not to mention seeing my bio kids father, rather him seeing our youngest son (that he has only seen once since birth and he is 12), yeah, I think that has def put me over the limit as far as stress
, anyway I'm rambling, about
the lower shoulder blade thing, anyone else get this???