When I was dx'd with fibro in April, my rheumy automatically ordered labs to check my Vit D level. I was at 13.
He presribed 50,0000 iu x 1 weekly for 2 months, then 1 monthly. I supplement with daily 1000 iu, per his instructions.
Just had a recheck, and I'm up to 25.
I am going back to 50,000 iu x 1 weekly, and will be retested in 3 months.
I continue to take 1000 iu. daily.
I was told it was common for fibro folks to suffer from this defiency. He told me that my body is just not absorbing it, for whatever reason. Couple that with living in the far north where it's dark now at 4:30 in the afternoon, there's not much daylight in the winter, especially when I was working full time in my office from 8 - 5. I have seen numerous reports on television lately (been watching alot of news programs since I'm now on a disability leave from work due to my current bad flare). They are saying that almost everybody in the northern part of the country is deficient in vitamin D. And, those in the southern parts are covering up skin with sunscreen, thereby preventing the absorption of vit D. It only takes about 15-20 minutes of non-sunscreen time in the sun each day for your body to absorb the necessary vit D - that is, if it will! Alas, I am stuck with supplementing!
I hope that helps you, MT.