Hi, Anxietyridden, and welcome to the forum! Yes, people with fibro can have IBS and IC. Check out the Fibro 101 thread...the second thread on the forum. There are links to good info about fibromyalgia and you will learn a lot there.
I take ibuprofen and Tylenol for my pain and I started taking malic acid/magnesium supplements for pain and fatigue. These have helped me and other members on this forum but they don't work for everyone. I like to try more natural things before heading for the "big guns" in the pharmacy. There is a link in the Fibro 101 thread that tells you all about these supplements. Read that and see what you think!
I'm glad you discovered that if you exercise you will be in less pain. I preach that all of the time. Many here, me included, really can't run but walking and stretching exercises help us. Keep running...especially if you enjoy it. If you see the pain starts to increase as you get older, be sure to walk and keep moving. If you sit or lay too much you will be stiff as a board!
Unfortunately, most of us feel that the fibromyalgia has gotten a little worse as we age. Some of it could be getting older, too. I'm 61. But, I still can manage the pain and enjoy my life and have a full life, too! So don't be concerned about that. Besides, worrying just makes the pain worse.
I have caffinated tea every day. I wouldn't suggest drinking a whole pot of coffee, but a couple of cups a day shouldn't hurt you. At least, I've never had a problem with caffeine.
Hot showers and moist heat are wonderful for the pain. Many here use Bed Buddies. You can get them at Walgreens and other places. You heat them in the microwave and they give off moist heat. Rice bags do the same thing. You can make a small rice bag by using a tube sock, filling it 2/3's full of raw long grained rice and tying a knot at the end. Pretty simple, huh?
I see you are low on Vitamin D. We have been talking about that on the forum the past couple of days. This seems to be quite common with people that have fibro. So, you are not alone.
I can't answer your questions about migraines because I don't get them. I get the painless ones. I see the flashes of lights in my eyes but there is no headache. If I lie down, it goes away for me. But, I know some members get migraines and I'm sure they will be along shortly and share their experiences with them.
I'm so glad that you found us and joined in! We have a good group of people in this forum that have good ideas to help you live a full and enjoyable life with fibromyalgia. Read posts, the Fibro 101 thread, and ask questions. That's what we are here for! I hope to hear more from you soon.