I want to say hello and welcome also to the new member, Schutzhund, from Richmond, B.C., I had a great Aunt who spent most of her adult life there. She was a radical in her time. She used to come to visit my grandmother, (they grew up together), and take my Nana out on great adventures which would rile my Papa up because he was a Traditional Paternal (a woman belongs at home in the kitchen), kind man. However, he was intimidated by great Auntie Kathleen and would not tangle with her. I had other relatives there, but in Vancouver. I went there for a summer when I was about
15, wow, what a time we had. Anyway, I'm glad you have your Fibro under control. I was curious about
the 2.5mgs. of Amyltriptilene. That's a very low dose. Do you notice any positive or negative effects. I take 100 mgs. at bedtime. Usually, if i'm not under a great deal of stress, it will keep me sleeping for a good seven hours. When under stress, I have this wake up at 2AM, or 3AM problem, and often have great difficulty falling back to sleep. I should change my handle to "the rambler". forgive my longwindedness.