Oh wow, thank you guys so much for your support.. this has just been a rough few years for me and I keep hoping each year will get better...
But Rich, I totally understand what you have said about
me being the "victim" and everyone else around me being the "rescuers".. that is how it has always been with me.. My husband isn't so much a "rescuer" though, just everyone else, my husband actually has been trying to break me of this forever now (in a nice manner, not anything too extreme).. nothing seems to help though. I think I'll speak to my psychiatrist about
this, and maybe even go back to my old therapist, and maybe discuss the little steps I can take to getting better with this. Some sessions with my hubby sound like a good idea as well!!
Hah, and I always wondered in my teenage years why if I lost a boyfriend I went right on to the next guy Peers viewed me as very attention-seeking and even "getting around" among all the guys.. but that wasn't EVER the case at all.. people just don't understand, I needed to be comforted with "belonging" to someone. I thank you all so much for understanding and sharing your own experiences with me.
And tyno, don't worry, I seem to only be dependent now on my family and friends, and husband mostly of course.. I don't just "seek" anyone.. I'll admit maybe I once did when I was younger, but you live and you learn I guess
I finally did discuss this with my hubby and opened up to him, and he told me that it's okay, he'll still continue to help me through things, and that he loves me how I am And Rich, I am sorry your step-daughter is in a codependent relationship like that.. I used to be too a lot in my much younger years. She's young yet, and it's great she's taking things one day at a time.. she'll get better Let me know if you need to talk about it or anything.
I wonder if there are support groups around me for this type of disorder
21 years old
Fibromyalgia, Bipolar, OCD, Dependent Personality Disorder
"You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you." -Mary Tyler Moore