So, for about
4 months now I have felt like I have had a terrible stomach bug on and off... It started almost immediately after a bad fall that I had to go to the ER for, at first I thought "great - go to the hospital and come out sick" but after a few days, my DR said that it was a concussion. But it hasn't gotten better, it's gotten worse. Now, I had natural child birth 3 times and that was nothing compared to the pains that I have been getting in my abdomen!! I usually have a pretty high threshold for pain, but this wakes me up at night and I can't even speak the pains are so bad. On top of it, I was diagnosed with severe whiplash from that same fall, so between that and pain from my abdomen I have been in really bad shape.
Anyway, since I had the back pain on top of the vomiting and cramping, I had asked my husband to rub some icy hot type stuff on my back... the slightest touch felt like I was being beaten and it was right near my kidneys and all those organs over there. So, my husband is an EMT and he said that it seemed like symptoms of gall stones (im sure I spelled that wrong) and that I should go to the ER.
I went, stayed there for about 16 hrs and had a million tests and ct scans- the works. The staff was giving me pain meds left and right and anti nausea stuff, but nothing helped, It was seriously the worst pain that I have ever been in, I literally hurt more than natural child birth!
Finally, the Dr comes over and says that he reviewed all the tests and the only things that showed up were a tiny cyst on my ovary that was nothing of significance, my white blood cells were high and my liver was enlarged, but they have no idea why or what could be causing it since everything that they tested for came back negative. So, I got sent home with a prescription for donatol. He just said that it was weird muscle spasms taht he sw no medical reason for. The pains and vomiting come and go as they please and usually start at night and wake me up.
Something in my gut (haha no pun intended) tells me that this and all of teh other pains and soreness and constant lethargy are all intertwined somehow, especially since they've all been happening since almost the very same day. Now I'm starting to have panic attacks about leabing tehhouse with my kids because I have no idea when all this crap will start up and how long it will last.
I feel like I am going crazy! There doesn't seem to be any medical reson that my body isn't healing, my muscles are failing and spazing and no Dr's are able to give me any answers!! It's just so frustrating to not know what is wrong with me and to wonder if the Dr's even believe me.
Has anyone ever gone through anything like this? How did you handle it?