I remember a post quite a while back where someone was describing how there is a connection with yeast overgrowth and Fibro. I don't remember the exact correlation. It probably was sometime during the summer (last). I always eat a yogurt, every day, Activia, for prevention of constipation. As I rely on Codeine preparations for pain relief, especially in the morning as I am miserable w/o it and would not even be able to get out of bed, without a pain killer. I use everything else too, ie muscle relaxers for the rock hard mucle tone that greets me every morning, as well as occasional muscle spasm. You know, I am speculating about
an upcoming appt. with my pdoc about
all my meds. A med review, so to say. I am afraid he is going to tell me to give up the pain meds. I don't think I can move in the morning w/o them. He is a non-believer in Fibro. Also, I am trying to move away from the amyltriptilene as it causes hugh sugar cravings and I am about
25 lbs. heavier when on amyltriptilene. It leaves me really thirsty all the time, makes me have cottonmouth so I cannot speak properly. Also, it makes me feel wired, like plugged into an electrical socket. I have a goiter, from Hypothyroidism, which makes it hard to swallow solid food. Therefore, a lot of my diet is liquid, like jello, yogurt, milk, whatever. Almost no protein. Wow, what a lot we have to contend with. Anyway, back to the yeast, all those foods I can swallow without having it get stuck going down, do have quite a bit of sugar, again, it does contribute to yeast infections. Also, I saw on TV, you must dry your under garments in a hot dryer, or if not, run them in the microwave for thirty seconds, after laundering. Don't let anyone catch you doing this, they may not want anything to do with the microwave, ever again. The worst thing you can do is wash by hand and hang over shower rack to dry, inviting an infestation. I second the stick with the cotton undergarmets, also. Good luck.