Yes, she and he (I've seen two different rheumys) both stressed the importance of exercise. What they are failing to realize is that the whole reason I started seeing them in the first place was because I had strange sensations and pain that did not heal when exercising. I always have been good about
getting exercise.
I do feel sometimes like I can do something 100%, but then I'm just OCD enough to do it 120%, knowing that I'll be shut down for a few days. It's hard to hold back when my OCD gets ahold of me.
The last time I saw the female rheumy, she got aggravated when I guess I asked too many questions. She told me that the skelaxin I was on should be helping with the hands, and when I said "Well, it's not," she got bent out of shape. She practically yelled at me and said "Well, I'm not going to give you any more drugs." I wasn't asking for any. Then she said "You've just got to exercise." That just angered me to no end because I was in her office mostly afraid that I had some sort of fracture from what..... .EXERCISE! She didn't xray or anything. She didn't examine my leg.
These doctors act like I'm a hypochondriac, but I'm only 32 and I've always been in good health and have always eaten right and exercised. I don't understand what happened to me. When I ask, "What should I do" they get mad at me. I don't want drugs to cover up the symptoms, I want to fix the underlying cause. I have every right to ask questions, especially when I'm paying over $100 per visit.
Ooops, I guess I needed to vent a little more than I realized. Sorry folks.
I wish everyone the best of help, and thanks so much for your support and listening.
Love to all!!