When you are reading everyone else's responses and get to the bottom to post your reply and...you guessed it...can't remember what it was! It's true this time too. arrgggggg
When hubby asks, "When should I start worrying about
you?" Honey, if you haven't started by now you best get going.
When you use a Sharpie marker to label your body where you bump into things because in a couple of days when the bruise shows up you'll have NO idea where they came from. (<---that was the one I forgot...lol)
When a lady much older than you carries out your groceries at the store.
Oh Lordy!! These are funnier than I ever could imagine cause it's all TRUE!...
Chutzie <---who is one of the original "burn the bra" gals. I hate those darn things and like others have way to much to go braless in public, BUT anywhere I'm in my own home or even camping, off that thing comes. It's sorta like harnessing up!