Hi all. I'm a 29 year old male. I've been working out consistently for the last 3 years. 3-4 weeks ago, I went to do chest press, and was unable to lift the amount of weight that I usually do. I just figured they changed the pulleys out on the machine, or something was wrong with it, as my arm felt fine. I moved onto the next machine and had the same problem. By the end of the workout, I realized there was something strange about
my left shoulder. It felt a bit numb. I've had episodes in the past where I end up with spasms in my neck and back that send me to the emergency room. I just figured it was one of these episodes coming on. There was a spot on my back that was really sore, then I noticed if I touched part of my shoulder, it was very tender and painful. For the next 3-4 days I had trouble sleeping because of shoulder pain. The tenderness went away quickly (in a day or two), but there was still internal pain. My left shoulder, tricep, bicep, and side were twitching frequently. At this point, I figured I'd pulled a muscle or something. I started taking muscle relaxers. A week or two later, the pain was gone and most all the twitching, but the muscles in that arm were tired. Later, I developed a twitch in my left eye that was almost constant. This has been going on for over a week. Over the last few days, I've had twitches on both sides of my body...not constant twitches, just here and there (both thighs, biceps, stomach, etc.. Despite all the twitching, my arm felt like it was almost back to normal, but today it is tired again. I have a history with TMJ and stomach issues, so that is why I'm wondering if Fibro is the cause. I also have low vitamin d levels. about
10 years ago, I had some TMJ episodes where I could hardly move my head. about
2 years ago, I had spasms all in my back and neck, and could hardly move at all because of the pain. Anytime I moved I would get shooting pains down my neck and back. I had another episode just like that one about
2 months ago. Both of these episodes lasted about
a week or two and began with what felt like a crick in my neck. The current issue is different from all of those in the past, so I can't be certain they are even related. I have never had so much twitching or tired muscles like this before. Most people with fibro say they feel like they have the flu and ache all over, but I don't feel that way, so I'm not sure. I do feel foggy, but I've always been that way:)
I have an appointment set up with a neurologist, but I figured I'd ask you guys in the meantime, and see if this sounds similar to anyone else's story. Thanks so much for any feedback.