Went to my rheumy today don't think he gets the whole fibro thing I told him i have been having alot of bad pain,spasms,foot craps,fog etc he tells me to walk more which i've explained to him before that i usually walk a mile plus a day when i can he tells me to walk more each day and to continue to take 10mg of flexiril at bed and in two months i will feel great
I tell him I have had a headache for three weeks and that nothing (advil,Tylenol,Aleive)
helps at all he tells me never to take advil it causes rebound headaches take tylenol 2 every 6 hours I usually take 4 at a time 2 does nothing any more he told me NO than tells me to call my PC and have her address the headaches as I may Need a neuroligist,I reminded him that he just sent me to a neuroligist and he tells me that I should never go back to him (the neuroligist) because he doesn't think he's the right dr. for me .
He than tells me he doesn't need to see me for 2 months Just continue what i'm doing
I called My PC she tells me she will see me in 3 weeks at my scheduled appointment I also asked her if she would refer me to another rheumatoligist
and she said no that she didn't feel it is neccesary
My insurance won't pay for it unless she refers Don't know what to do now?
Thanks for letting me vent