Hi Everybuddy (as Patti likes to say!)
So, on the advice of my old Dr. before she left, I have been slowly increasing my treadmill time over the past several months. I started off with 5 minutes, worked my way up to 10, then to 15, then 20, then 20 twice a day and so on. Dr. wanted me to get to an hour of low impact exercise per day as she said I would experience the most health benefits from that. Well, I have finally gotten to the point where I am doing the 1 hr. per day (in two 30 minute intervals, though, so as not to wear myself out) and have been doing this for a week and half. Mostly, this is making me feel great! My mood is better, my fatigue is less, and I'm sleeping better, all very good things. However, since going to the full 1 hr a day, I've been having a lot of yucky flu like feelings, too-flushed feeling, scratchy throat, general yuckiness-and it almost feels like the toxins in my body are breaking up and floating around the way they do after a massage. So, my question is-has anyone else experienced this? Can exercise release toxins this way? Other than drinking lots of water (which I have been doing) is there anything else I can do to help my body flush this junk out?
Hope everyone is having a wonderful, low pain day