I have ADHD and take Adderall. I also have Fibro, RA and CFS. I am a single mom, sole provider of 4, self employed and taxed! I have never had an issue with depression, but do have a bit of stress from the responsibilities.
I told my doctor that I am stressed, overworked, forgetting everything and still can't seem to keep focus even with Adderall. That whole cloudy head feeling from the stress. He said he wanted me to try Cymbalta two weeks ago to see if it would help any. First week I took 30 mg once a day.
I felt groggy with mild hot flashes and nauseaous to the point of needing to stop working and put my head down just to let this subside. I read that it takes time to get used to so I was not alarmed. I should say that I am sure I felt my heart muscle too. A dull pain.
My second week I was to begin 60 mg. The first day, more stomach upset, severe hot flashes, heart racing, headache and instant severe sleepiness. It knocked me out for 2 hours at my desk. I woke up in a fog.
I chose not to take it since then thinking it was just a bad day.
Today I took the 60 mg for the second time. I was good for about 45 minutes. Then the hot flashes beyond anything I have ever experienced. My heart was racing, my stomach felt on fire, I was dizzy and my body began trembling and I began feeling extremely weak and it felt as though someone was sitting on my chest but not pain and not consistently. I could not stand or sit. I lay down for a few minutes. Shortly after I got sick. Projectile. Since then I have been very weak, trembling, my heart hurts but not racing, just dull ache. My muscles are stiff as tho I have been shivering all over, I am tense, my jaw is clenching tight and sore and I feel very cold. My thoughts are clear, but my head feels pressure if that makes sense.
I called the doctor and the nurse said to call back in the morning if I was still having symptoms.
My question is has anyone ever experienced anything like this? If so, how long did it take to go away. I need to get my taxes done tonight. haha