I live a block from the Oswego River. This is the time of year when the ducks stroll through everyone's yards to 'do their thing.' This morning there were two ducks in my front yard 'having at it'. The male duck had her pinned to the ground and was tearing her hair out of her head out by the roots. Her feathers...excuse me for a Fibro Fog moment. So....I ran outside and yelled at him. He just looked at me and kept on going. I'm telling you, the feathers were flying and she was squawking. I finally got really close and clapped my hands and he stopped...she flew away.
The Hubby says....'What did you do THAT for? It's part of their mating ritual. She LIKES it!"
So...I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled it. Not hard, just a little tug. I asked him if this put him in the mood. No...it did not.
What does this have to do with fibro? My hands hurt from clapping so hard. WAAAAH! I can't do the dishes...WAAAH....I can't fold this basket of clothes! That's what I get for trying to save a duck.
She likes it. Right. But there sure are a bunch of bald headed ducks around here!