I know this is off topic, but I feel like I just have to tell someone about it.
My grandfather passed away this morning. He was 96 years old, but still in relatively good health. No one was expecting it to happen so soon, especially not me. I'd been putting off going to visit him... I kept saying I was going to get around to it someday soon. Well, now it's too late. He lived right in the same town I live in, and it's been over a year since I'd seen him. I feel so horrible. Why didn't I ever just take ten or fifteen minutes to stop by and say hello. It's not as though I was always too busy. But no. He died alone and miserable because me, and most of my other relatives would never bother to stop and see him. Now we don't have the chance anymore.
I hate to have to face my family now. It's easier to deal with it being away from the crying and awkward silences. I can't even imagine seeing my dad right now. (It was his father). It has always bothered me to see my dad cry. I guess because it's so rare. I have to get ready to go to my parents' house. I feel like I have to be there for them, even though it's so difficult. I know it's the right thing to do.
I know this hasn't really hit me yet. I'm not looking forward to when it does.