Hi lovely new forum family,
I am looking for your for your expertise; I started taking birthcontrol a few years ago due to having horrible periods, my physician at the time thought it'd be beneficial for me. Well I was on that birthcontrol for a little over and year and my new doctor and I thought maybe that was what was making me sick. So we stopped it for awhile and she put me on a very low dose birthcontrol to see if I would feel better on that one. That one made me feel very sick and my same complaints came back. I stopped that birth control and felt fine. So we chalked it up to be the birthcontrol and that my body couldn't handle the horomones. Well then all of my symptoms came back and that is when I went back to the Rhuematologist and was shortly after diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. So I am now wondering if it was just the fibromyalgia the whole time? I have read one a few different sites that one of the grocery list of symptoms for Fibro is painful periods. Also though I have not looked to far into it, I have seen that there are sites that say some birthcontrols side effects are also symptoms of Fibro.
My question is have any of you had problems with Birthcontrol? Are any of you on Birthcontrol now and it is going well and which are you on? And generally for some input.
Thank you for all of consideration, hope you are having a wonderful evening and feeling great!