I had Shingles for the first time about
12 yrs ago. about
a wk before that I had bursitis in my shoulder, the dr gave me a shot of cortisone in the shoulder to get rid of the pain. A lady at work had come down w/ shingles and recognized the pain and burning I was describing. She told me to go to the dr w/i 72 hrs for best results. I called to make the appt and the receptionist didn't feel it was as pressing as I did, as she had never heard of Shingles. I pushed and got the appt. The dr gave me three different meds to take, oral and topical. I had no ins at that time and it was so expensive. The dr told me you can only get this once - WRONG. I have had at least a dozen bouts of it. It usually rears its very ugly head when I am badly stressed.
Mine went down the spine and around the waist. I asked what could have caused it, I knew about the chicken pox connection, but I meant what was the trigger. The dr didn't know. I read a few yrs after that that a cortisone shot can put it in motion.
I have had drs suggest since then I should get a cortisone shot for other ailments, I have refused. The pain of Shingles is horrible, don't want to have that again, if at all possible. I was in my early 40's when I got it the first time, my mother had it also and she was about 75 the first time. Age is not the deciding factor.
I hope you're feeling some relief and hopefully you don't get it again. Hope you get some rest tonight!
God bless. Alice.