Thank you for your advice. She doesn't have diarrhea but just constant upper abdomen pain. She just came home from a friends house, had too much fun, now she's wiped & in bed.
Has anyone visited Mayo clinic?
It is hard for her during the school year to have any activities, even getting her homework done. She was on homebound till school got out last week. They passed her onto 9th grade, but I know she had F's in some subjects. It seems if she has something special coming up she can get homework done. We sometimes think she's spoiled, but yet, other times she's wiped out & constanly sleeping. Anyone out there with the same situation? We go back & forth from thinking we aren't pushing her enough to thinking we should never push her.
Her whole life it takes her what seems like an extra long time to form good habits. For instance as a child trying to get her to wipe, flush & wash when using the restroom took her until she was over 10. She didn't ride a bike until she was 8 1/2, she walked at about 18 months, she was a tall baby. I always thought she didn't walk cause she was further from the ground & scared. Who knows.
At age 6 she was diagnosed w/ complex partial seizures. She has never had a grand mall but had episodes of being totally out of it. She hasn't had seizure activity for 2 years. She can recognize when something is going on. She will see an "aura" or feel like time has elapsed that she wasn't aware of.
She has never had the stamina of other children. She is not overweight, tall & lean. There are just a ton of things with her that the doctors just don't have time to go over. Whenever I bring her to a new one, they zero in on one thing I've said & go after that. And I can almost see their brain shutting off to all the information.