My period started Monday and I've had such terrible cramps I've had a hard time eating and sleeping, it also seems it's thrown me into a flare
Does anyone else have probs like this? I mean fibro making periods, the cramping, fatigue and muscle aches worse? I've had female problems my whole life, 5 miscarriages and with my one successful pregnancy I went into preterm labor at 4 moz and stayed there for the last 5. LOL I just love telling women who've had kids that had several hrs or days of labor, they kind of freak and look at me with a new bit of respect *giggle* Gave me a whole new thresh hold for pain, but anyways does anyone else have this? And if so any suggestions? At my rope's end, my heating pad is on high, I've taken all the meds that I can take and I've been eating extra bananas for the potassium as well as liver cheese for the iron.