Community Partners for Child Safety is a program that helps needy families. They will help work with you and other places on getting bills taken care of, and they help you with things that your kid or kids might need. I don't know if you have ever heard of Healthy Families, but it is kind of like that. They also make sure that your place is clean and that your child or children can't get hurt on anything. It seems like a nice program from what I have heard. They come out once a week, and their first meeting with us is this coming Tuesday.
I appreciate all of your encouragement. It is a big job that we have. But, I know that my hubby will insist on doing the big parts. So, that will be helpful. We will both get the job done. I am looking forward to having our carpets clean. With a toddler, they tend to get pretty dirty with spilt drinks and food and stuff. Those of you with children understand this I'm sure.
Anyways. Thanks again. I'll let you know how it goes.