Some people have found ways to manage their fibro so that they do really well. But it never really goes away. There is no cure for fibro. My mom has recently taken to talking about
all these people that she knows with fibro who work and do just fine. She has been trying to get me off lortabs. Any time she talks about
these people, I always wonder to myself what medications these people are taking to make it through to be able to work. I am sure some of them are on tabs just like I am.
It drives me crazy when people talk about people they know with fibro who live perfectly normal lives. But, do they really see the pain they are in? Do they really see the toll it takes on them to work? Do they know all the meds they are taking to make the pain more tolerable? I mean, unless you live with that person, you can't really know everything they go through to deal with the pain. They don't know if they go home every night or morning or whenever after work and just collapse. And because they don't know, I really don't think that they should bring any of it up. But, that could just be me.