Thanks for your replies.
Littleneck, I've never been dx'd with fibroids. I did have ovarian cysts 20-some years ago, which is when the endometriosis was dx'd.
Cyndi O, thank you. I sort of expected that to be the case, but was concerned because it is so unusual for me. Will just have to see how it goes, I guess. So far it is very light.
I have emailed my GYN with the info. I expect her to reply with pretty much what Cyndi has already said.
This sort of caught me off guard this morning and triggered some awful flashbacks of the agony I endured before Depo. I SO do NOT want to go back there!!! "Dread". Yep, that's the word for it. "NOUN: Terror or apprehension as to something in the future; great fear." The anxiety of knowing it was coming every month, and would probably be even worse than the month before. Ugh.
I feel okay right now so I'm sure it's nothing. Thanks again.