Ivy, when I'm hit with fatigue it's like someone pulled a plug and all my energy drained out of my body. My arms and legs become very heavy and I'm extremely foggy. It is frustrating.
Last weekend I had a beach party to go to. For some reason I couldn't get to sleep. That will happen to me maybe six times a year. I ended up with only four hours of sleep Friday night and was a lump in the beach chair all day long. I was soooo tired and didn't want to move at all. I felt in physical pain just trying to keep my eyelids open. It's such a miserable feeling so I really try to do all that I can to get enough rest but not overdo it either. Too much sleep makes you more tired. You do need to keep going.
But, I'm doing far better with fatigue then I did.Ive mentioned a thousand times about malic acid/magnesium supplements, but they really have helped me with energy. Getting my vitamin D levels helped with energy too.
Also, I am on a sleep schedule. I am usually in bed by 10 PM and get up between 6:30 and 7 AM I do get up several times at night but fall right back to sleep. I have been doing this for years. I never lay down (unless I have the flu or something like that) until bedtime. If I ever laid down and took a couple of hours nap, I would never get to sleep that night and it would take me days to recoup. But, by doing this, I am generally asleep in 15 minutes so this help a lot.
I am the best in the mornings. That's when I walk the dog and run errands or work around the house. If I get sleepy in the afternoon I will have a cup of tea and that usually will wake me up again. I do try to rest more in the afternoon. By "resting" I mean I'm working on the computer or reading...doing easy stuff. Occasionally my body will give me a power nap...I'll doze off sitting up for about 20 minutes. Then I'm good for the rest of the day. This doesn't happen really often, though.
I hope this gives you a few ideas to help you. It's not fun being tired all the time. You don't want to miss out on living!