Littleneck said...
I have also become more sensitive to certain foods which "repeat" on me, so have had to cut them out. Luckily it's nothing I dearly love :) - tomatoes, tomato sauce (includng on pizza), anchovies, green bell pepper, eggplant. Tomato sauce is the worst. A couple others that I can't remember in the fog today. And I can't eat anything acidic within 3-4 hours of going to bed.
That sounds like the typical definition of IBS, which I'm pretty sure I also have. I just don't feel like going to a gastroenterologist so he can throw every test he can think of at me just to prove it isn't anything else. I don't have issues with nightshades (tomatoes, eggplants...) but with certain preparations of cheese and almost all red meat. Sometimes
everything will go right through me for days at a time, even water or milk, and I have to drink Ensure to keep myself supplied with nutrients.
I take Prilosec before bed because if I sleep less than my body wants (which is 10-12 hours every night) I wake up with burning in my stomach and severe nausea. My doctor prescribed Prilosec because he thinks it's acid reflux but it doesn't make sense to me that if I sleep longer, I don't get it. *shrug* as long as it works.
My general philosophy is not to do anything that hurts. And yes, everything hurts on some days, but I think we all know the difference between something hurting and something
hurting. Good luck getting your stomach issues resolved, everyone!