I was diagnosed with fibro 2yrs ago, however have had fibro symptoms for over 5yrs.
I have tried virtually every drug imaginable to help the pain, with only one working and that was effexor. Needless to say, effexor did help, for about 2yrs then totally stopped working.
question is, I was just got a RX for Sevella, I am on my third day and last night I was a mess.
I started puking at 1:30 a.m, and didn't stop until 7 this morning.
Has anyone else had this happen to them?
Is this a side effect from the drug, or the flue?
If this is a side effect, will it go away after the drug is increased?
someone please give me hope
fibro hugs, (but, please don't squeeze to tight, my triggers are killing me)