Patrick, I'm going to chime in here one more time. I hope I'm not wasting my time but I do want to see you start to enjoy life again. You do need to keep moving with fibromyalgia or you will be very stiff, in more pain, and your muscles will get weaker and weaker. All of us with fibromyalgia don't hurt as much when we aren't moving, but we do want to live our lives and not have fibro and depression dictate how we will live.
I had great difficulty walking a few years back. By being sedentary, I allowed my muscles to get weak and, because I wasn't moving, I put on weight, to boot. I decided this wasn't the way I wanted to live. I started walking and could only go about 6 houses down before my feet and legs were screaming at me. I turned around and went back home. I was really surprised but that made me more determined. The next day I was out again. After a few days, I was able to walk further and this continued as I continued to walk. Now, the first thing I do in the morning is walk my dog for one mile before coming in and having breakfast. I would have never believed that I could be doing this back then. Yes, I still have pain, worse in the summertime for me, but I continue to walk because I know it's good for me.
I went out and bought a walking-in-place video. If I did it for 15 minutes, it was like I walked a mile. I popped it in my recorder and started out great. Within a few minutes my legs hurt, felt like rubber, and I was out of breath. I had to stop. The next day I popped it in my recorder again and was able to go further with it. Within a few weeks I could do the 15 minutes with very little pain and I was not out of breath. Plus, it revved up my metabolism and helped me with some weight loss.
This is kind of like what body builders do. When they started out, they couldn't possibly lift the weights that they could after continuing with exercising. I'm sure their muscles hurt, too, but they didn't stop because of that. They continued until they got the results they wanted.
That's how it is with fibromyalgia. Yes, you are correct that we all are different but we all do have pain. Some have more pain than others but we don't stop because of it. After all, we have a life to live and I know, for me, I don't want it passing me by. We keep searching until we find what helps us control the pain...not get rid of it. I don't think there are too many pain-free fibromites in this world, if any!
I really want to help you get moving again and doing some fun things in life. I've had fibro for 22 years and it could have ruined my life if I allowed it to. I didn't. I've done some traveling, been snorkling, and even parasailed. I knew I would pay for some of this with added pain, but it was worth it. Please start moving again. If you need to use a cane, don't hesitate. I use one at night because I'm so stiff and I don't want to fall. But, if you continue to sit in that recliner, not only will you get weaker and weaker and even the slightest movements will hurt you, but you will watch your life pass right before your eyes.
I know you are depressed about all of this...most of us fall in that catagory and many are taking antidepressants. Having chronic pain is depressing! But, if you start to get out and look at all the beauty around you, I think you will feel better and better. You need to pace yourself. You can't hop up and go jogging! LOL But, little by little, with some effort, you can start moving again and you will find you can move more with less pain as you progress with regaining muscular strength.
I will not be mentioning this to you again unless you ask me for help or want some questions answered about this topic. You are an adult and can do what you want. I'm just trying to help you and so are our other members here. Life is made up of choices. You can choose to continue doing what you are doing or you can choose to start moving and living your life again. I hope you choose the latter. By the way, I'm on disability, too. Have a good evening!