Hi Cindy, I am a high school teacher at a 'behaviour
al' school for kids who are at risk and have emotional disorders. I know the pain you are feeling- it is SO hard to keep going back day after day when the kids dont seem to appreciate what you do for them and at the same time, you feel sick and are in pain. Are you permanent or part time? I had to go part time because my body simply wasnt coping. It really is difficult when you also feel unappreciated at work. I applaud you for hanging in there and doing your best, as it is no easy feat with these kids
I am also an art teacher- but I teach english as well. You are right about a lack of jobs in art. Im australian and down here its darn near impossible to get a decent art job, or a transfer to a more pleasant school. Thats why I teach english- it was my minor and they always have work in that area. I live paycheck to paycheck too, but i dont have to support kids. Can you get a partial benefit and work part time? I am so sorry that im not sure how things like that work in the U.S.
Please hang in there and do what is best for you. i know with the economic crisis that any work is good work but dont end up burning yourself out. You sound like you need a new or better teacher Liason as well. I hope this lets you know you are not alone in what you are going through.
All the best and keep us posted,
Maz XX