I would like to hold as serious of a discussion as I can about
fibromyalgia and how it has effected my sex life and see if it is typical of other experiences and what techniques or ideas you have come up with to make it less painful. I hope this is an appropriate discussion for this website.
I think that when your nickname is vague about
whether you are male or female you should state it at the beginning of each of your posts. It is my understanding that fibromyalgia strikes more women than men and since I am a man I am particularly interested in the man's point of view though I also want to hear from the women.
The first time I had an orgasm with fibromyalgia I called it "The Agony and the Ecstasy." It was the strangest feeling, definitely not pleasant. I am 54 not really old, but certainly not young either. I bring that up becauseIand instead of getting a pleasant feeling I felt pain not unlike the times that I have accidentally got soap up my Urethra and then when urinating I got a burning sensation. I decided that unless there is some cure for Fibromyalgia that I was going to avoid orgasms.
Now the challenge is how to enjoy and satisfy my wife who does not have fibromyalgia. My problem is that resting on my left elbow hurts my left shoulder and my right hand fatigues and hurts soon after which works for both of us but not ideal for her. That just leaves the shoulder pain which starts immediately so I guess I need to experiment with different positions that are more comfortable for me or just pay the pain price.
I understand that sleep problems are common with fibromyalgia patients. For me I can only sleep 2-3 hours
Laying flat on my back causes intense pain in my lower back despite putting pillows under my knees) This pain is one of the reasons why I don't and can't sleep with my wife in our flat bed. Also in the middle of the night I would naturally roll over on my side and the pain in my shoulders would wake me up giving me a very uncomfortable and unsatisfying night of sleep. I sleep in my recliner which does not produce the lower back pain and it is very hard for me to unintentionally roll over in it. I try to make up for not sleeping next to her (kissing, light hugging, light stroking, and kind words about
how beautiful and sexy she is)
By the way one theory for the cause of Fibromyalgia is related to sleep or REM deprivation. Both my wife and I have sleep apnea and use CPAP machines and get as good of sleep as when we did not have sleep apnea. This theory came from a phone call I got asking me if I was willing to do a study to find out if there was a connection. I was going to do it but they said I would have to not take my pain pills.
My wife (Joanne) puts all my pills in a weekly tray that allows for 4 sets of pills each day. Every day is the same. One week she ran out of my pain pill and she assumed that I was taking Monday's pills on Monday etc but instead since every day was the same was taking them left to right. So unknown to either of us I did not take any pain pills for 2 days. After the end of the second day I told Joanne that I was seriously thinking about
to the first time I had even considered it in my entire life- that is how bad the pain was. This caused us to examine the tray and find the problem. She did not tell me that we had temporarily run out. So, getting back to the study I told them no way I could not take my pain pills.
Just yesterday I told my Dr. that I was having sleep problems (I have just been sleeping from Midnight to about
11 the next day off and on to go to the bathroom, eat breakfast and just because the pain or simply having Fibro. woke me up. He prescribed something but I don't have the name with me. It seems that there are about
3 different options which you can take and they are not addictive (you can take them every night). I will post the medication as soon as I get it (later tonight).
Sorry about
the long post and thanks for your advise. I'm also sorry it has been so long (1 mo?) since last posting.
Love to all
Coach Patrick
PS. I have been stretching and trying to stay as active as I can and stay out of
Dina the Reclina as much as possible but she is so nice to me. I have found that if I am active during the day and put up with the pain by taking regular Dina breaks when the pain hits that in the evening my legs do hurt less than if I sit in Dina all day.
I have also decided to pretend I'm John Wayne and teach a chess class to adults to help prevent Alzheimer's despite the knife-in-the-back pain that I will have for the rest of the evening. Yeah!
Patrick, I had to edit this due to rules # 1 and #2.
Post Edited By Moderator (Sherrine) : 10/20/2009 11:23:56 AM (GMT-6)