I was watching television last week and heard a man who completely changed his life around. He wrote a book called The Upside of Fear. Anyway, what he was saying can apply to so many areas of our lives, including our fibro, that I thought I'd pass this along.
1.) He said to focus on what you want in life...not what you don't want. How many times have we worried about things and then they do happen? It's almost like we are attracting things to happen. But he said he visually focused on what he wanted and he typically did achieve it.
2.) He said to get emotionally anchored to things you desire by writing them down, reading, and experiencing them.
3.) He said to take action that's consistent with the things you desire. He quoted Will Rogers. For those who are too young, Will Rogers was a movie star back in the 1920's and 1930's. He also had a syndicated column and was known for his quotes. I happen to love this quote. "Even if you are on the right path, you will get run over if you just sit there." Boy, is that ever true!
4.) Lastly he said to take responsibility for your responses to whatever life throws at you. He is not saying we are to blame for what happens in our lives but we are responsible as to how we handle things once they are in our lives. The reality to our success in life is how we respond to these things. So, he said that it's a personal responsibility to respond in a positive manor.
I was reading an article last night that was telling how to raise serotonin levels a natural way. The very first thing on the list was having a positive attitude! I know that if you think positively, you don't have nearly the stress you do if you are concerned about everything. So, taking each day at a time and living it to your fullest ability and looking towards the future with hope really does help us all! This information hit home for me and I hope some will get something out of this post.