Hi Reenie,
Sorry for the delay in your welcome..
but welcome to our Fibro family .. Lots of great people here. as you will learn.. and some really postive people also... thats what I love most. besides we all really do care about each other.
I know I look forward to checking on everybody and responding when I can.. mind you I post and Vent sometimes too. I think we need that .to finally be able to talk to others that really get it. yep.
Look forward to getting to know you ..
Oh and on your first post.. you decribe how you feel. pain Fibro symptoms and how hard it is.. and at the end you sid ... :: besides that I'm Good... LOL.. Love it honey. !
I bet you used to be a wonder women also back in the day
that has to be the hardest part of this.. trying to be ok with your limits. and not going to the guilt thing ya know. still struggle with that one .
My best wishes for you .. and Soft Fibro welcome hugs .