Donna, I love your sense of humor! My eyes are so sensitive to light - yr round. I have to get certain sunglasses to make sure the light is far, far away from my eyes. I found the glasses you're talking about in Walmart a couple of months ago. They block out the light from the tops, the sides, it's heaven. I bought them, so happy to replace my old broken down glasses. When I got home my DS looked at me and laughingly said, 'Mom, you look just like Johnny Depp in 'Charlie & the Chocolate Facory, only his glasses were white.' I took off the glasses and gave him the infamous 'look'. A few wks later that movie was on and he made a point of showing how JD and I had the same glasses. Personally, I don't care, I am able to see again when I go outside, even on overcast days.
I hope you get the glasses and they work for you. It is miserable to be blinded by the light or lights outside.
Good luck.
God bless. Alice.