Hi Shar!
Nice to meet you. I'm assuming you're talking about
using light for SAD? I've never used one but here's what I found doing some research...
Here's a tidbit from the article:
"During light therapy sessions, you sit or work near a light therapy box. To be effective,
the light from the light box must enter your eyes indirectly. You can't get the same effect merely by exposing your skin to the light. While your eyes must be
open, don't look directly at the light box because the light can damage your eyes.
Light therapy sessions are generally done each morning after you awake. Some light therapy boxes, however, are dawn simulators — they turn on in the morning while you're still asleep and gradually get brighter until you wake up. "
I did find a huge range of prices out there and some sure do seem expensive. Here are a couple of links where you can price compare. I have no financial connection to any of these
locations. I'm just picking places that should be safe if you want to buy or compare online.
www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=sad+light&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=3286356701&ref=pd_sl_36cs4h6o40_bhealth-beauty.pricegrabber.com/mobility-aids/Zadro-Sunlight-365-SAD-Therapy-Light/m65844853.html/search=sad+light+box/st=queryHope this helps,