Chest pain is common with Fibro, I have it constantly. It is usually diagnosed as costocondritis. Before I was diagnosed with fibro, I went to the E.R. twice thinking I was having a posible heart attack.
If you know you are low on Vit D, I would encourage you to definitely take the supplements. My main Dr. for treating the fibro is a Pain Management specialist who also has a Wellness (Holistic) Clinic. Even though my Vit D levels always showed at the bottom of the normal range, he insists I take 5,000 to 6,000 I.U. daily to help with the pain and general well being.
Take the lead in finding what works for you. Keep writing down what you want to discuss with your doctors and take the list to your apointments. My Dr's are used to this now, and I read them the list, they make notes, and start the discussions.
You have found a great comunity here, the discussions and humor (yes being able to laugh at your condition is a great therapy in itself) are better than anywhere I have found. Read the back posts as you have time.
All is not lost with fibro. Smile, we know there is not a cure yet, but it is also not fatal. Managing the pain and the fatigue can become a challenge to welcome.