Hi Megatired!
Looks like you have your answer. I too was teaching at a college and it kept getting harder and harder to keep going. Nearly 2 years ago my doctor said it was time to quit and I know he was right. Not only was the pain awful but I kept getting ill and missing work which I had never done before. Fibro takes it toll, unfortunately. We can still lead a good, happy and productive life, just not in the same context as we used to.
Your boss needs education is all. One of the classic statements to those with fibro is..But you don't LOOK sick! Below are a couple of links that should help you get across to your boss. Print off some information and take it to him. Offer to sit and explain if he cares to listen. It's hard to understand for those of us who have it...but for onlookers it's every harder. I hope we all have helped!
This first link is a lecture that I first saw on the Research Channel. Here's a link to the podcast. It's great information on what fibro IS and some of the research the Stanford Pain Center is doing. There is hope...
www.researchchannel.org/prog/displayevent.aspx?rid=28078&fid=813One is these links is from the National Institute of Health and the others are from Stanford University Pain center who does a tremendous amount of research and works with/for fibro folks.