That's how everything started for me....a pain in my left elbow. I was diagnosed with tennis elbow, put on modified duties at work ( which to them meant work with your good hand/arm) until I got it in my right arm too. I tried a cortisone shot in my left elbow. It took about
a week to get any relief and it only lasted about
a month. My whole elbow wasted away and was nothing but bone and tendon showing for about
6-9 months. My doctor said I didn't get enough benefit from it to outweigh the side effects, which from what I understand the stuff eats away at your tendons making them softer and prone to more damage. You're not supposed to get any more than 3 shots in any one spot your whole life. Some people get months of relief from them so that makes it worthwhile. My specialist said that their's nothing I can do for mine now that the damage is irreversible....learn to live with the pain. Then the pain started to spread...pain in my shoulders, pain in my neck, headaches, pain in my back...etc,etc. You all know the family doc diagnosed me with fibro Feb 09 and the
Rheumatologist comfirmed it Dec 09.