I was going to post this on the other thread til I seen Sherrine was smart enough to start your own.
You said something about slowing down and smelling the roses, well I use to be a perfectionist at everything I did and was obsessed with keeping the perfect house. One thing fibro has taught me is how much of my life I wasted on trying to be perfect. Okay, it would be nice to have the energy to keep it moderately clean now which I don't and don't know what I would do without the help my DH gives me when he can, but I don't obsess over it anymore. I do what my body allows me to do each day and I'm always moving forward even if it is at a snails pace and that makes me feel good about myself.
I live in a small town and parking at our local Walmart, the only big store we have here, is not a problem for me unless it is the holidays so I haven't gotten a handicap card. Most of the time when I go to one of the cities around us to shop DH goes with me and drops me off at the door and picks me up. But if I lived in a bigger city I would have a card. Energy is precious to me and every step I take is energy gone for the day so why waste it on walking from your car to a store if you don't have to. No I wouldn't use it if there were parking places within reason.
Congrats on Logan. I'm the grandma of many and have a great grandson that will be a year old the 7th of April. I don't get tired of babies but sure can't do with this little guy what I did with my grandchildren, darn fibro.
luv and hugs