I have recently been told my mother as well as myself , has Fibro. She was placed on Cymbalta.
A very low dose. Myself I am on 50mg -2x day. Her I believe once a day same dose. Not sure.
She went to visit her primary and asked about why she was gaining weight ( alil background is that last yr
she had bariatric surgery /full surgery removal of her stomach etc) and she lost over 100lbs) she is very
upset --she said she will stop all fms meds if this is how its gonna' be -she told me and the dr.
The primary dr told her not to because she will hit "rock bottom " while being in withdrawl of cymbalta. ???
Otherwise I told her to ask for Savallla. I am myself going to request it at my next RA appt this May.
I cannot take this weight gain myself and I am still steady at 226 I go down to maybe 219 then Boommmm
right back up again ....Im not sure what else to do but walk-when I can. water aerobics when I can $$$.
And also biking when we move next month as well...because i have one +kids!
Thanks all. In advance!