Hi Sshoemak17,
Yes, stress really does effect fibromyalgia. Sweetie, your mom is probably in pain 24/7. It is chronic pain, so it is all the time. The best thing you could do to learn about fibromyalgia is read, read and read some more. There is a lot of information out there. I use to get the fibromyalgia network newsletter. It is very informative. It is kind of expensive and you only get four issues a year, but there is so much information. And when you first join they send you pamphlets that give you so much information and ways to understand it. This could help you to understand. Or write to the arthritis foundation, they have information on it too. Reading here is a big help. As was mentioned above, the second thread on the forum called "fibro101" is a very informative thread. You can copy information off of there if you have a printer and your SO can read about it too.
Not only is fibromyalgia painful, it is exhausting. That is why your mom doesn't want to do things. The fatigue is unbearable. You feel so weak that it is hard to stand up. But I like the idea of you taking walks with her, she really needs to move around (at her own pace) or she will get so stiff she wont be able to do anything. The more that you do, the more you can do. It is just getting started that is the hardest. But even if it is just a five minute walk, it will help her. And let her know that she has done something good for herself.
It sounds like your mom could be suffering from fibrofog too. This causes us to lose our train of thought. And makes it hard to concentrate. From what you said, I think that she could be dealing with that too.
Remember stress is the worst. It makes everything worse. It makes life difficult to live for fibromites. So if there is anything that you can do to help her. I am sure that she would really appreciate it. Let her know that you are trying to understand it. Maybe she could come here and get involved with the forum. It would do her good to know that she is not alone in this.
Hugs, Karen